Welcome to Titan Garden!

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Alana is a Callistan probation officer who assists criminals released from space prison reintegrate with their communities. Based on Titan, she is a sunny but firm personality; she's gentle in her demeanor and easily approachable, but she's completely uncompromising about her expectations and does not allow herself to be a doormat for anyone. She likes to keep her head-quills trimmed and short- part of a trendy new style among Callistans- and tends to wear brightly-colored sweaters, two practices she feels helps put her clients at easy when they're sat across the desk from a seven-foot-tall authority figure. When she's enjoying a rare day off from a very demanding job, she likes to spend her time in the E-District, and particularly at the Mobius Casino. She's really quite fond of the lights and sounds, and if she happens to win big? Well, that's just a nice bonus on top of an enjoyable bit of me-time.

Regional authorities exist on every world of the Sol system, but the three overlapping interests that Alana works directly with are the Terran Star Navy, the Neptunian Skyguard and Titan Security. When one of the Sol system's enterprising crooks finds themselves in custody, they're generally in for a pretty rough time- the collective Star Patrol cover a lot of space and tend towards more carcerial answers to crime, where Titan Garden is a hub world operated by private interests who prefer to strictly maintain appearances- but eventually, most of the time, a lawbreaker will be released from detention and encouraged to rejoin society. Probation officers like Alana make sure that released offenders actually have the resources available to them to make reintegration possible and minimize a return to a life of crime. She's an advocate for Skyguard carcerial policy reform, believing rehabilitative answers and a network of support are the best ways to reduce recidivism, but she works within the system as it is and so she'll do what she can to ensure her clients stay out of trouble, even if she has to twist their arm or call on some unusual contacts to do it.

A key part of Alana's approach to reintegration is to maintain a broad and cordial relationship with many business owners on Titan- a few of them somewhat outside the law themselves- understanding the work they do and the needs of their business so she can best match a client with employment opportunities that match their skillsets and, hopefully, end up more interesting than the kind of trouble that landed them in her office in the first place. Book, the Neptunian owner of Gweebo's Canteen, is always happy to take on Alana's clients and teach them how to work in a professional kitchen, building a new skillset to help them find work basically anywhere in the Sol system. Shipwright Lamp has plenty of work for clients with technical knowledge of starships, and likewise provides honest opportunities for Alana's clients who might have been nabbed running ships through the Outer Belt. Baxler Distribution Company hires a few of its drivers from Alana's office; Baxler, being a major figure in Titan's smuggling network, has an old and long-standing relationship with Alana, and so they take on her clients with her full knowledge that they have a leaf to the ground for illicit activity that might be going on in the Garden, and if one of Alana's clients find themselves fancying another taste of an adventurous life of crime, Baxler will hear about it and advise their network not to take on this person or that. It's a mutually-beneficial relationship, and Alana knows exactly what she's signing her clients on for. She works with a broad range of businesses, upright or down low, all of whom she has a strong and trusting relationship with.

One of Alana's key contacts in Titan is Klaus, a detective who works primarily within the station's Dockyard sector. He and Alana share a common view of rehabilitative and compassionate support for starfarers who run afoul of the law. If Alana worries that one of her clients may be putting their hand too close to the stovetop, she'll send Klaus round their way to work his old-man charms and try to give them a nudge back on the straight and narrow- it's very, very much preferred that if her clients draw the attention of a Titan Security officer, it's a Klaus and not a Grup they run into. Alana hates working with Grups, those security officers who enjoy the thrill of the hunt more than in helping build a positive outcome for her clients. No matter what happens, Alana is rooting for her people, she genuinely wants to see them succeed; and when Titan Security doesn't share this vision, when they're more interested in catching their bad guys, she feels that their goals simply don't align anymore. This is a big reason she sets some of her clients up with Baxler Distribution, because she knows driving a truck for a smuggler's front company is ultimately safer for them than entrusting their fates to the self-styled protagonists of law enforcement like Grup. People will do good, you just need to give them a fair shot at success. She's seen it again and again over a very long career. If you take care of people, they'll thrive. Give 'em a chance and you'll see it too.

Titan Garden

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