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Seffress is a serpentine force of nature who has haunted Terran empires for nearly a millennium. Known to some as Queensbane Seffress, she is fiercely anarchistic; having fought the reach of imperial ambition throughout her lifetime, she has unwittingly played a role in shaping the landscape of the Terra we know today. Complementing these qualities, she's also doting and maternalistic, taking great care to protect her family and ensure they have a world to grow up in and a future to aspire to. This doting maternalism extends to family she "adopted" from people her ninety-seven daughters come to trust as well, whether those trusted friends know it or not. These days she's more of a giant chilled-out grandma than a head-taking battleaxe, but the warm coals in her soul reignited when her eldest daughter went on to carry the torch of her legacy into the space age. She's proud to see her fangs still have plenty of bite left in them.

Not one to mince words, Seffy is very upfront and direct in her beliefs, and tends to wear her personality on her sleeve- quite literally, in fact. She's very fond of a big blue sweater one of her daughters made for her, wearing it always, making sure to let her beloved child patch over any holes that might form in it so she can get as much use out of it as she can- the warmth it provides as a sweater is second to the warmth she feels from the hearth of her family's love. Overtop of this sweater she likes to wear her battle jacket; stitched from heavy leather, with chain lining and metal plates affixed, it's got a good weight to it, and can take a blow without ruining that lovely blue sweater. The nicks and scars she bears on her skin are faded with time, but tell the story of a lifetime of fighting the Terran Curse of Arrogance. She's seen empires rise and crumble, and while she's had a hand in a fair bit of that crumbling she's always had a fondness for taking some small token from these ruling powers she has fought against- often a small coin of little value, bearing the likeness of one of its rulers whose kingdom her family has outlived. She makes her home in the heart of a secluded island in the middle seas; a great fang of stone ringed by lush greenery and soft, sandy beaches; Seffress lives peacefully alongside her many children. It's a beautiful place, and it's a reflection of a deep pride the people of Terra have for their shared, miraculous planet.

Among the many worlds of the Sol system, Terra is unique for the lush abundance of life it supports. A shimmering blue marble, Terrans by and large recognize their world as being one-of-a-kind, a world that supports multiple biomes, many ecosystems and a broad range of lifeforms unlike anywhere else in the system, and they'll go to great lengths to keep their environment well-maintained and harmonic. Terra is a beautiful place, and that beauty can coexist with technological progress- it just takes a bit of work, and Terrans try to put in that work to make sure their children have a world to look forward to. This wasn't always the case, as for a brief sliver of Terra's ascent to the stars a few of their growing industies regarded the natural beauty of their world as an expendable cost of doing business, a sacrifice in the great push towards the space age. Seffress was there when it was happening, and she played a role in turning that trend around.

Since the 1400's Seffress has given aid and shelter to, or fought alongside, whatever group stood up to oppose the avarice and all-consuming reach of empire. Often this involved a land-claiming monarch, but near the end of the 1900's empires started to become more abstract, less delineated and clear. Kings and emperors gave way to expansive megacorporations headed by reclusive men who preferred to keep their faces off of their currency, protected in their towers by the haze of obscurity. These megacorps would displace people from their homes, consume tremendous resources and poison the land in pursuit of expanding their wealth and power. With the rise of corporate empires there would come opposition from resistance groups, from Terrans who believed their beautiful world was worth protecting, and that the well-being of their planet was not an expendable quality on the road to space. Seffress recognized this new shape of empire, and she once again lent her home, her spear and her blood to the cause of resistance. Queensbane Seffress would not allow her family or anyone else's witness their children's future burn up on a rocketpad, her convictions wouldn't allow it. She again fought the good fight.

In her younger years, in the age of sail, Seffress stood at a grown man's height. She would travel on wooden pirate ships and share her knowledge of the seas with their crews, leading them to safe harbor behind treacherous underwater rocks where pursuing imperial galleons could not follow them. She would join these crews and board vessels hauling wealth stolen from distant lands to their mother empires, using her serpentine maneuvering to glide below decks lay silent a ship's cannons. In the late 1900's, Seffress was a good deal larger, but no less quick and agile than she was in her youth. The face of imperial reach has changed, but so has she- Seffress is huge, she's fast and she's strong. She can plunge the depths of the seas where land-locked Terrans can't follow her, she can pry the iron paneling off their tanks and their shuttles; she can rush through a corridor like a storm surge, spear at her side, her battle jacket protecting her from terrified corporate soldiers spraying and praying for a good fortune that would not smile upon them. She was a strong ally for brave people who stood up for a planet which couldn't speak for itself in a time when its inhabitants reached a moral crossroad, and in doing so she helped play a role in fostering a generational respect for their environment, ensuring her many children still had a lovely and vibrant world to inherit. Terrans respect their natural environment; she helped by eating a few barons until they got the picture.

Today, in the late 2300's, it's her eldest daughter who has enlisted with outlaws to fight the overreach of a Terran empire who lost sight of what it meant to preserve a unique and beautiful environment. She's proud of her daughter, immensely proud, and it's with her blessing that she carries on an old and hallowed trade in their service. She does insist that her daughter come home to visit now and then, that she maintain her roots and see her family back home in Terra's shimmering middle sea, in that great fang of stone ringed by lush greenery and soft, sandy beach. Seffress has met her daughter's new friends, the people who she's entrusted with her life; she liked them, and had promptly adopted them into her own family, doting on them as much as any of her other children. It can be a bit much at times, but Queensbane Seffress is not the sort one can easily say no to. It's just part of the deal.

Sometimes, when it's been a while between visits, Seffress will find her way to a starship, leave her beautiful blue planet behind her, and venture out to meet her daughter in space, aboard her own ship, for a surprise visit. She never gives the captain or the first mate time to plan accommodations, she arrives like a force of nature, precisely as she is, exactly when she deems fit to get there. She will want to know if the crew are eating well, if they're getting sunlight and exercise, if their quarters aren't too cramped. She always brings fresh fruit and fish from Terra, sharp swords from her family's forge, a fine stag from a successful hunt; she's never empty-handed. She is a huge and terrifying woman, a legend in her own right, but deep down she'll always be a warm and loving mama.

Titan Garden

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